
1. Can I give BARF WILD PRODUCT to a puppy or a kitten?
Of course. We offer a special line for puppy nutrition BABY BARF, which aids the young organism’s growth and development and contributes to the building of a strong immune system. Our cat line BARF CATS LOVE is designed to satisfy the nutritional needs in all life phases, including kittens.

2. Is BARF WILD PRODUCT food balanced or is it necessary to add something to it?
BARF WILD PRODUCT is complete and balanced food for dogs and cats, and, as such contains a perfect balance of nutrients. You can feed your pets with this food only and rest assured they got everything they need. Vitamins and minerals are naturally part of our BARF and as such are biologically accessible.

3. Is it safe to feed dogs and cats with raw meat without previous heat treatment, i.e. cooking ?
Yes. Dogs and cats are carnivores and it is necessary to feed them with the food as similar as possible to the food they find in the nature themselves. Cooking destroys highly valuable nutritive ingredients, which are abundant in BARF WILD PRODUCT. For example a lot of amino acids disappear during cooking, while for instance proteins coagulate and become less biologically accessible and hard to digest often becoming a cause of allergies. It is well known that added vitamins and minerals are not as biologically accessible to the organism as in raw food.

4. Are there bacteria, parasites or other harmful pests in BARF WILD PRODUCT food?
No. The raw material we use in the preparation of our products undergoes veterinary inspection and is in the category of meat for human diet. Its sanitary and health safety are regularly overseen by the Public Health Institute and the veterinary station in authority. Our production is marked by uninterrupted chain because BARF WILD PRODUCT food is prepared from fresh ingredients and immediately vacuumed and stored by quick freezing, which ensures nutritional values to their maximum and disables the development of any pests.

5. Is it necessary to add anything to BARF WILD PRODUCT?
No. BARF WILD PRODUCT is balanced and complete diet, which contains all needed nutritious values in optimal quantities because they are naturally a part of the fresh raw material which the product itself is made of. The supplements added to the diet are not as biologically accessible to the organism, as when they are contained in the fresh ingredient.

6. What if my pet vomits after meal?
Vomiting for carnivores does not necessarily indicate disease and does not always need to worry you if the dog does not show other signs of disease or disorder of general condition. A dog sometimes vomits because the pieces it had eaten were either too big, or the quantity of the meal was too big, or it was ravenous i.e. it quickly swallowed big quantity of food. In order to prevent quick swallowing of food, we recommend you to squeeze out smaller quantities of food form the bag, which will enable it to eat one bite at a time.

7. What if the dog’s stool is wrapped in mucus?
If mucus appears in the dog’s stool in the process of introducing BARF diet, it can be a sign of cleansing of accumulated harmful substances from the animal’s body. But, if you notice larger quantities of blood more frequently, visit a vet.

8. The dog and/or the cat has been drinking less water since they started eating BARF WILD PRODUCT. Should I worry?
Raw food, i.e. meet contains a large percentage of water and thus hydrates the organism, which makes animals fed with BARF drink smaller amount of water. The need for water depends on the temperature where the animal is, its health condition (lactation, diarrhoea), physical activity and the type of diet. Dry food encourages large water consumption, which may lead to kidney load.

9. In switching to BARF food, my dog had difficulties with bowel movement and there was blood in the excrement. Why?
Animals with weaker muscular bowl function (animals who have long suffered from diarrhoea and/or had softer stool and older dogs) can experience more difficult extrusion of the harder content, so some blood can appear due to capillary rupture. Harder stool is important for natural emptying of anal bags. It is important to note that a smaller amount of blood in stool during switching to BARF diet is not worrying, but if the bleeding is abundant and frequent, it is necessary to visit a vet. It is also important to note that the stool of animals fed with BARF is more concentrated and much smaller due to large usability of the meal.

10. Can BARF WILD PRODUCT food regulate the body weight of the animal in case of obesity?
Yes if you follow the feeding guide listed under every product. BARF WILD PRODUCT is balanced diet which regulates body weight by correct feeding, and there is also a special line for overweight dogs BARF ROYAL BEEF, which helps battle obesity in a natural way. Obesity is often a consequence of inadequate intake of proteins and carbohydrates, because the too large intake of carbohydrates turns into fat stock, as do proteins which are more difficult to digest, which makes their origin and digestibility extremely important.

11. What about animals which have problems with allergies? Can they consume BARF WILD PRODUCT ?
Yes, they can. WILD PRODUCT BARF does not contain cereals or additives, nor any other harmful ingredients or food additives, which are the most common allergens. Our product can only help in fighting allergies because its consumption strengthens the immune system, key to maintaining health as well as allergic reactions. Sometimes the results can be seen immidiately, while at other times it takes a longer period for the organism to become stronger and successfully battle allergies.

12. How much BARF WILD PRODUCT can or should my cat or dog eat a day?
The quantity of meals depends on the body weight, activity and age of the animal.
DOGS- Whole day meal (you can divide it into two daily meals or otherwise): 2-3 percent of body weight of the dog feed with 2-3 grams of BARF for adult, moderately active dog.
Puppies, bitches in high phase of pregnancy and lactation and very active dogs have bigger needs.
CATS- Whole day meal (we recommend you to split it into 3 daily meals or otherwise) : 2-4 percent of body weight of a cat feed with 2-4 grams of BARF.
Kittens, pregnant cats and cats in lactation have bigger needs for food.

13. How to feed pregnant bitches and bitches in lactation?
We recommend you to feed them with a 30 to 50 percent larger meaL than the one set by their body weight and activity. Feed them several times a day.

14. How to serve BARF WILD PRODUCT?
We recommend to defrost BARF in the refridgerator , where it can be kept defrosted for 24 hours. It is served on room temperature and must not be heated or exposed to high temperatures.

15. Can I serve frozen food to a dog or a cat?
No, you mustn’t. BARF WILD PRODUCT must be served on room temperature because frozen food can have harmful effects onto the animal’s digestive system.

16. Can I defrost and freeze BARF WILD PRODUCT food again?
No. In this way you would lower the quality of the meal and nutrients.

17. How long can BARF WILD PRODUCT be in the freezer?
It is recommended to keep it in the freezer for 12 months from the production date.

18. Why is there cartilage in BARF WILD PRODUCT?
Cartilage is naturally rich source of matter for the health of joints and cartilage and is used in the therapy and prevention of joint injuries, osteoarthritis and other degenerative changes in the area.

19. What is rumen and why is there rumen in BARF WILD PRODUCT?
Rumen is a part of cattle’s stomach also known as tripes. It is exceptionally rich in enzimes, minerals and vitamins, healthy fatty acids and is a natural source of probiotics. It is easy to digest, which contributes to healthy digestion and detoxication of the organism of harmful radicals, heavy metals and other things, and it also has antimicrobe action. For all of the above, it has a powerful impact on strengthening of the immune system and greatly contributes to wounds healing and organism’s resistance in case of antibiotics or other drugs usage.

20. Why is rumen in BARF GREEN-BROWN, and tripes at butcher’s are white?
Rumen with mucosa still on is green brown because it contains chlorophyll or green plant pigment, which is extremely important for the health of the organism.

21. Is it necessary to add oil or other ingredients into BARF WILD PRODUCT?
Beef meet, rumen and liver, as ingredients of BARF WILD PRODUCT food are sufficient source of linoleic fatty acid, i.e. the only essential fatty acid for dogs. Dogs get optimum quantities of necessary fatty acids from natural fats that haven’t been treated with heat, so there is no need to add any oils. In raw, freshly frozen food , fatty acids are protected from oxidation and spoilage, so there is no need to add conservatives, while the fats in industrial production, which includes heat treatment are prone to spoilage and that is why conservatives and stabilizers are used.

22. Are cereals healthy for dogs or cats?
Cereals unfortunately bring more harm than well to the organism of carnivores, because they are not a source of vitamins, minerals and proteins, but carbohydrates, which carnivores do not need because their liver can synthesize sufficient quantities of glucose. Cereals in the organism of carnivores often cause allergies and being overweight.

23. Can BARF WILD PRODUCT be mixed with dehydrated food for animals or other industrially processed food?
We do not recommend such combinations because of overload of digestive system by different types of foodstuff.

24. What is the difference between BARF WILD PRODUCT and canned food for animals?
BARF WILD PRODUCT is fresh and raw food with no harmful additives, conservatives, colours, taste enhancers or other additives.
By our uninterrupted chain of production we ensure maximum freshness and quality of local origin. Canned food for animals with its name itself signals it contains numerous conservatives and stabilizers, that is additives.

25. The dog and/or the cat have a significantly smaller stool without strong smell since they have been consuming BARF WILD PRODUCT food?
Yes. That is a normal thing because such diet enables maximum usage of nutrients, so there is a lot less waste (stool), which also has weaker smell.

What is most natural is also the healthiest / the most nutritious / the most useful / the most desirable / the most effective / the most reliable / the most appropriate / the most complete, because the whole bio system is organised in perfect order and balance, in a way to support the laws of nature with the smallest possible loss in every sense.


Free delivery in Zagreb and Zagreb area for all orders of +10kg of BARF.
For other areas please contact us.


For all interested buyers we have prepared a FREE sample of BARF WILD PRODUCT.

Dama & the gang

Dama, Bianca, Blondie, Bronco, Sean, Sharona, Ramona, Mika, Lola, Gringo and kitties: Đuro, Čaruga and Olgica

We are ten doggies and three kitties. Besides our peeps Didi and Vjeko, we love  uncle Kruno the most. Uncle Kruno brings us our lovely meat once a month. When his van comes, we go crazy of joy, we jump, we shout. Didi says we’re gonna kill’im outta all that love.  And this lovely grub of Kruno’s. It is great we tell you and that’s all we eat. When it’s munching time, we wait impatiently for our turn, we tap our paws, some of us bark. And then we munch it so quickly Didi says it’s good we haven’t eaten the bowls too.

We don’t know much about it, but we heard Didi telling people we are so strong, healthy and hairy from that Kruno’s grub. That’s why we can walk for miles every day and swim in the lake, even in the winter. And it is real winter here in Lika. And, yes, it’s not polite, but we’re gonna whisper to you that our poop is also great. That’s what Didi says. So tell your peeps that Kruno’s barf is great and they should treat you with it
Dijana, Brinje


Zara & Deus

After long thinking, we started feeding our German shepherds Zara (6 years since she has been with us) and Deus (7 years) raw food. Advantages of barf since we found no flaws:
1. easy to prepare – derfost and serve
2. practical packaging – we take half kilo packages, so we easily combine the grams with their weights
3. there are no more hot spots, problems with skin or hair
4. excellent delivery agreed to come to your front door
5. no more diarrhea or piles of poop, stool once a day in one piece
6. although it seemed more expensive in the beginning, it is not actually. Before we used to cook and give supplements with the dry food and had to go to the wet for food allergies, and now they only eat barf, through the day they get an occasional cookie as a treat. We recommend it!

Helena, Strmec


Romeo & the gang

Dogs: Aron, Sila, Berta and kitties: Romul, Romeo, Diva and Kondor
We have been feeding our dogs with this food for a while and the results are fantastic! Their stool is excellent, their hair is thick and shiny, dogs have more energy than before, they are healthy and beautiful!

Since we have been feeding our cats solely with meat for cats (Barf Wild Product), we love the results! We have no more problems with diarrhea or intolerance to food, their stool is small and odourless, which is a huge change after dry food. The cats are healthy, full of energy, and their hair is thick and shiny!

Petra, Samobor


Zara & Deus

After long thinking, before about a year, a year and a half ago, we started feeding our German shepherds Zara (6 years since she has been with us) and Deus (7 years) raw food. Advantages of barf since we found no flaws:
1. easy to prepare – derfost and serve
2. practical packaging – we take half kilo packages, so we easily combine the grams with their weights
3. there are no more hot spots, problems with skin or hair
4. excellent delivery agreed to come to your front door
5. no more diarrhea or piles of poop, stool once a day in one piece
6. although it seemed more expensive in the beginning, it is not actually. Before we used to cook and give supplements with the dry food and had to go to the wet for food allergies, and now they only eat barf, through the day they get an occasional cookie as a treat.
We recommend it!

Helena, Strmec


Dama & the gang

Dama, Bianca, Blondie, Bronco, Sean, Sharona, Ramona, Mika, Lola, Gringo and kitties: Đuro, Čaruga and Olgica

We are ten doggies and three kitties. Besides our peeps Didi and Vjeko, we love  uncle Kruno the most. Uncle Kruno brings us our lovely meat once a month. When his van comes, we go crazy of joy, we jump, we shout. Didi says we’re gonna kill’im outta all that love.  And this lovely grub of Kruno’s. It is great we tell you and that’s all we eat. When it’s munching time, we wait impatiently for our turn, we tap our paws, some of us bark. And then we munch it so quickly Didi says it’s good we haven’t eaten the bowls too.

We don’t know much about it, but we heard Didi telling people we are so strong, healthy and hairy from that Kruno’s grub. That’s why we can walk for miles every day and swim in the lake, even in the winter. And it is real winter here in Lika. And, yes, it’s not polite, but we’re gonna whisper to you that our poop is also great. That’s what Didi says. So tell your peeps that Kruno’s barf is great and they should treat you with it.
Dijana, Brinje

Romeo & the gang

Dogs: Aron, Sila, Berta and kitties: Romul, Romeo, Diva and Kondor
We have been feeding our dogs with this food for a while and the results are fantastic! Their stool is excellent, their hair is thick and shiny, dogs have more energy than before, they are healthy and beautiful!

Since we have been feeding our cats solely with meat for cats (Barf Wild Product), we love the results! We have no more problems with diarrhea or intolerance to food, their stool is small and odourless, which is a huge change after dry food. The cats are healthy, full of energy, and their hair is thick and shiny!

Petra, Samobor

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